Adriatic Sea

Adriatic Sea
View from fore dayroom

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I kinda promised to update this blog at least once a week, but it's been almost one month now.

It's 8pm now, and im sitting in a classroom, procrasting. Was supposed to have a meeting half an hour ago, but could not find anyone. hmmm.

Life's been good. Just returned from Villach, an Austrian border town about 2 and a half hours away from Trieste. It was really nice, especially since autumn has arrived and the trees are turning colour! Time is passing soooo quickly, and yet it seems like i've been here forever. The feeling's just so wierd.But i am enjoying it haha

I was supposed to have a math test tomorrow, but found out that i need to go down to register my fingerprint for the permit thingy. Alone. Goodness knows how im going to communicate with my barely-there Italian:p.

Have lots of homework including 2 lab reports to do, and yet i still find myself sitting in front of the computer, hoping that the reports will do themselves (nothing suggestive here)

I look forward so much to thursdays cos that's when we go climbing! Unfortunately, there's no climbing this week since all saints day falls on thursday...We will be going to Rome and Milan in 2 weeks time! I think i'm more excited about going together with everyone else rather than the idea of going itself. Furthermore, since our tutorial group will be staying with several other interesting tutorial groups, i reckon we might just have a mighty interesting time...

Congrats to all who finished promos and I really hope that you all are happy with your results:) School is ending for so many and barely starting for me....

I'll be back in Singapore on Dec21!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see everyone again:)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

This past week and weekend in particular has been simply fabulous. We had this long weekend last week, where we got friday off, in addition to sat and sunday, making it a 3 day holiday. Together with about 15 others, I went to this mountain range called the Dolomites. It's basically part of the Italian Alps, on the border with Austria. The best part about it was that it happened to be snowing the day before we arrived and so we couldnt do what we originally planned to do, which was to climb a mountain, about 2500m using this other system of rock climbing called the via ferrata system, and so we kind of spent a whole morng walking up a mountain with snow up to almost our knees. some pple were really experienced, but for tropical pple like me, it was really quite an adventure. i think i spent more time falling in the snow then i did walking in it.


The best part was probably going down the slope. Because it is usually used for downhill skiing, its not too steep nor too gentle. Instead of walking down in a dignified manner, we all ended up running down the slope, trying to pretend that our hiking boots were frictionless. THat was seriously FUN. the snow was still fresh and soft and perfect for sliding down on. It was about 3pm when we got back to our mountain refuge, which was this cute little rustic house kind of in the middle of nowhere. We played board games and tried to warm up while some pple went by van to the nearest village. Crazy as i was, i decided to join some others who were taking a "short walk" up a mountain, which was actually quite nice. As it was pretty late, we could only walk for abt an hour before we had to head back for dinner, which was prepared by our guides. And then, after dinner, i totally lost my mind and agreed to go on another walk, despite having already walked pretty much the whole day.


That was the icing on the cake. Seriously. About 5 of us took a 5 minute walk to a nearby stream, where we spent abt 1/2 an hour in silence whether lying down or standing up, simply thinking. Indeed, its moments like these that remind you what life's about. aNyhow, it was a great weekend as expeditions always are. oh we also finally managed to do a bit of rockclimbing cum hiking up this ~2200m mountain called ponte fiames, which was tiring but great. Inshort, expeditions ever fail to brighten my day, week, month, year, and this certainly didnt break the trend.